After school today my kids stopped in our office for their chiropractic adjustments. As they sat in my office arguing I wished I could just crawl under my desk and hide. Hiding is something I wish to do a lot lately.
This past week has been a high stress week for me. Countless things have happened in my family that have caused sadness, anger and regret. This week I have wanted to hide, run away, and throw a full blown tantrum on the kitchen floor.
Did I do any of these things? No, I made a decision years ago that I wouldn't hid from problems anymore. I'm not saying that I don't throw a minor tantrum once and a while, but I have learned that taking a deep breath and counting to 10 helps in every situation. I have discovered that working up a good sweat can change my mood instantly. I have learned that a quiet yoga practice daily helps me see things in a new light. I now know that taking time to myself helps me deal with everyday stress and other unexpected stressers that happen.
These things I have discovered in order to deal with stress have change my life. They have changed me into a person that my family wants to be around. I am no longer the mom who threw the remote control that time she got upset (the kids will never let me live that one down), the wife who goes to bed at 8pm because it is easier than dealing with life, or the citizen who complains every time there is a broken traffic light.
Here are the things I have found that help manage stress
1. Eating a clean diet
2. Regular Exercise
3. Meditation
4. Daily Yoga practice or simple stretching
5. Spending time with friends that build you up
6. Spending time outside enjoying the sunshine
7. Reading a non-work related book
8. Hugs ( Hugs are amazing things!)
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